What is Connected Leadership?

Connected Leadership is a unique leadership journey in Sierra Leone

Connected Leadership challenges participants’ view of the world and themselves with a focus on self-awareness to become a more connected leader.

Built on the philosophy that leadership can not be taught, the journey aims to move participants out of their comfort zone and into a different environment than their everyday lives.

By creating real-life immersive situations, participants can mirror their current leadership approach, purpose, impact, and rethink this to identify who they want to be as a leader and how to develop their leadership potential.

“For me, the last five days have been a life changing event. There is no right or wrong, and that has been clear as of day one. It’s just really time to understand who you are and what drives you.”
Roger Dekkers, Connected Leadership 2023 participant.

Connected Leadership is for those who

  • welcome new ways of looking at themselves and life. Care deeply about how you behave authentically by understanding who you are and what you really care about.
  • are ready to be challenged on their viewpoints in settings that call for reflection,and have a desire to reflect which is critical to learning the most.
  • believe that everything is connected or related in some respect, wherefore participation requires a mindset of openness and curiosity to explore and encourage true diversity and inclusion.

During this journey, participants will

  • be challenged on viewpoints on personal values and beliefs, as an individual and as a leader.
  • be exposed to leadership experiences from an NGO born with a purpose and that attracts followership as a prerequisite to success, not because of success.
  • be focusing on connecting and enhancing an ability to serve and help those around them.
  • Be reflecting and journaling to bring home as much inspiration and as many Sierra Leone moments as possible.
“I don’t think that there is a big difference between being a leader in a big, international company and being a coach or a community leader in one of our communities, because the thing is your connections to the people you lead. If you do not have connection to the people that you work with then you will not lead an international company or a football team”
Cecilie Hauerberg, Facilitator, Connected Leadership.

How can Connected Leadership sustain leadership in your company or organisation?

The key takeaway for all participants having gone through this immersive leadership journey is that they arrive back with a deeper understanding of who they are and who they want to be as leaders. By obtaining this deeper sense of who they are, they are able to influence others in a different way too.

“When we are more connected, we drive a better purpose. And when we drive a better purpose, we have more energy. We lead others with greater levels of enthusiasm. We are able to influence others in a far more real and connected way”
Steve Hall, Facilitator, Connected Leadership.

At the same time, getting out of the class rooms forces participants to lower their guards and learn how to navigate in an environment where they do not know exactly what they are going to face. And that is exactly what it takes to be a great leader today.

The experience is perfect for both individuals looking to develop their leadership potential and for small and large groups wanting to grow as a team. By gradually expanding the number of leaders having been through this immersive leadership journey, you will create a mutual understanding and on what great leadership is and thereby anchor this in your organisation.


When can I join?

The Connected Leadership programme runs twice a year. The next seminar will be held:

  • May 1st to 6th 2025

If you are interested, don't hesitate to reach out to Cecilie Hauerberg to hear more. Contact information can be found further down the page.


It costs USD $5,000 to join the 5-day Connected Leadership program (excluding flight ticket).

Who is the team behind?

Cecilie Hauerberg from FANT, who co-founded the organization in 2012 with a vision to organise, through sport activities, children in healthy communities and teaching democratic participation and human rights in Africa.

Steve Hall who has spent more than 25 years in helping individuals, teams, organisations and communities to charge their batteries and keep them charged. He is the author of the book ‘Another set of lenses’ and has worked with leadership immersions in Africa for more than 10 years.

Last, but not least, the team is also formed by the participants from your company or organisation, who in unison, make Connected Leadership come to life.

Would you like to learn more?

For a personal introduction and in-depth understanding of the 5-days programme and learning methods and elements, please reach out to Cecilie:

+45 31181523

Connected Leadership supports the ambitions of Sustainable Development Goal number 4, “Quality Education” which is about ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Connected Leadership also supports the ambitions under SDG 17, “Partnerships for the goals”, as the relations created through the education between your company and FANT can also strengthen sustainable development in local communities in West Africa in the long term.

At the same time, Connected Leadership is facilitated by FANT who is an ambitious NGO dedicated to creating a healthy space for children and young people in one of the poorest countries in the world.